Chiquitita- Ultra Premium EVOO - Mild intensity

$ 17.50


This Portuguese Olive Oil has a sweet creamy almond center followed by delicate floral notes and fleeting pepperiness. Sure to be a crowd pleaser. Ideal for baking

Taste Panel Assessment                  
        FRUITINESS   2.9/10                Mild Intensity
        BITTERNESS  2.8/10                Country of Origin: Portugal   
        PUNGENCY   2.8/10                Crush Date:  November 2021
 *Biophenols: 182.1ppm    FFA:  0.16        Oleic Acid: 69.1      Peroxide: 5.8
  Squalene: 5943.3ppm   *PPP: <1.0       A-Tocopherols:289.9      DAGs: 95.6

                               *As measured at the time of crush

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